ASciNA (Austrian Scientists & Scholars in North America)

13. November 2023 Higher EducationResearcher
An independent network of Austrian scientists and scholars in North America, including the USA, Canada, and Mexico.

Having been established in 2002, the members of ASciNA (Austrian Scientists & Scholars in North America) include scientists from a diverse range of educational backgrounds, spanning from economics to physics, from life sciences to marine biology and the arts. The network offer information, help newly arrived scientists orient themselves in their new surroundings, provide career development support and networking opportunities, organize events, and representation of the interests of Austrian scholars and scientists.

ASciNA maintains a strong cooperation with official Austrian institutions such as the Federal Ministries, Universities, and Funding Agencies.

ASciNA’s leadership consists of its Chapter chairs and the ASciNA officers.

The ASciNA Mentoring Program (AMP)

The ASciNA Mentoring Program (AMP) is generously supported by the Alumni Club of the Medical University of Vienna, the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), the Medical University of Innsbruck, the University of Vienna, and the Medical University of Graz.

This program seeks to develop a mentoring framework, where established Austrian scientists/scholars and professionals provide guidance, experience and knowledge to early career researchers from Austria.

ASciNA Award

The ASciNA Award, organised by ASciNA and endowed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) with prize money of 10,000 euros (Junior Principal Investigator) and two prizes of 7,500 euros (Young Scientist), is a science prize awarded exclusively to young researchers for their excellent scientific publications, which they have published within the twelve months prior to submission and which they have produced during a stay at a North American research institution. The award winners are selected by the Austrian Science Fund FWF on the basis of an international peer review.