New Organization OKAA Promotes Education and Science between Kosovo and Austria

4. October 2023 AlumniScholarship
The Organization of Kosovar-Austrian Alumni (OKAA) was established in 2021 as a non-profit organization in Kosovo.

OKAA (Organization of Kosovar-Austrian Alumni) is a non-profit organization established in 2021 in Kosovo based on the Law No. 06/L-043 on Freedom of Association of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Republic of Kosovo. It already has an approved status as well as a governing body and is supported by various Austrian and Kosovar agencies such as HERAS+, OeaD, etc.

The aim of OKAA is to unite the community of former Kosovar students and researchers who studied in Austria, in order to support the community in our country with the expertise they acquired during their studies at an Austrian university and the contacts they made.  This can be done through joint projects and collaborations between Kosovar and Austrian universities and research institutions. In this capacity, the organization aims to support Kosovar students and scientific researchers to continue their studies at Austrian universities, as well as to create an effective network to maintain contacts between graduates and the Kosovar diaspora in Austria. The main goal is to promote mutual cooperation in various fields of education, science and innovation as well as in those of business and culture.

The OKAA is active in several key activity areas including:

1. education and training

2. advocacy and lobbying

3. alumni networks

To become a member of the OKAA, you must have graduated from a university or college in Austria. In addition to Kosovar graduates or those who have completed a study period in Austria as honorary or guest members, all other Kosovar graduates inside and outside the country can also become members. Regardless of their specific status, all members are expected to support the goals and mission of the organization.

Since its inception a year ago, OKAA has been actively involved in promoting cooperation. The organization has organized at least three board meetings during this time. One of the most significant meetings took place in January 2023 with the support of HERAS+ and the OeAD office in Vienna. During this visit to Austria, six board members met with key stakeholders in Vienna and Graz, further advancing OKAA's mission.

For more information about OKAA and its initiatives, please contact: