Petra Siegele will present the different evaluations of Sparkling Science, their methods, results and the learnings for Sparkling Science 2.0. The different levels of impact from the individual level to the institutional level (formally and informally lived) to the social context are of particular interest. At the individual level, the focus was on teachers, students, and researchers, while at the institutional level, primarily schools and universities, but also other research institutions as well as economic and social institutions were examined. The subject of the societal context was, for example, the interweaving of education and research policy measures as well as public attention to the research-school interface (e.g., in the media). As the results show, the program has successfully mobilized its target groups and the experiences of those involved have been decidedly positive. The contacts and activities from the Sparkling Science projects generally extend beyond the funded project, and to a considerable extent also in an institutionalized manner. Finally, it will be shown to what extent the recommendations from the evaluations are being addressed and which learnings will be implemented in the follow-up program Sparkling Science 2.0 (1st call 2021). Because Sparkling Science 2.0 continues to have an impact.
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