Television report on the project "CO2 conversion - from harmful exhaust gas to a resource".

10. July 2023 Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science
Tafel und Jugendliche
In the Sparkling Science project, HTL students work together with researchers from Montanuni Leoben and PH Tirol to develop solutions for harnessing CO2.

Greenhouse gases, which are amongst others produced from transportation and food production, lead to global warming. The long-term reduction of CO2 emissions is therefore important to contain the consequences of climate change. In addition to carbon avoidance, however, there are other considerations among researchers: Perhaps carbon dioxide can be used as a resource elsewhere without escaping into the atmosphere? Perhaps the emitted CO2 can be returned into a closed carbon cycle? It is precisely these considerations that form the core of the "CO2 Conversion" project, which was recently reported on in an Austrian television report.

In the project, Tyrolean students are working on converting the harmful gas into useful green methanol that can be used, for example, as an energy source or fuel. For this, a model reactor has been developed in the laboratory at a higher technical college in Kramsach, Tyrol, which is a partner school in the project. The reactor is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2023.

In the short TV report, the participating students talk about their motivation to participate in the research project. Researchers and teachers who accompany and support the students in their work also talk about the scientific background of the project and the goals for the future.

The TV report can be viewed here in German until Thursday, 13.7.2023