The Austrian Science Fund FWF funds four projects on science communication

20. December 2022 Science communication
Zwei Kinder verkleidet als Superhelden
With a budget of around 400,000 euros, the FWF supports projects that aim to bring science closer to children and young people.

The topics of the funded projects are diverse: they deal with biodiversity, membrane biophysics, chemical research and food allergies. The aim of the four projects is to bring science closer to children and young people in particular by means of various measures.

  • SoundsWild: Rediscovering Birds & Bats
    Project leader: Bea Maas, University of Vienna
    In workshops, students will build ultrasonic detectors, which they will use for identification during field trips. In addition, a creative competition will be organised to invite students to creatively explore birds and bats
  • The Chemistry of the Senses
    Project leader: Nuno Maulide, University of Vienna 
    Within the framework of hands-on experiment boxes and digital communication formats, through workshops to artistic realisations such as a multi-sensory theater play, students are to experience the importance of chemistry for their everyday lives.
  • BioPhyCom - Diving into the world of biomembranes with comics
    Project leader: Ariane Pessentheiner, University of Graz
    With the help of science comics, students from 8 to 14 years of age will be familiarised with the basics of membrane biophysics.
  • INDIKINA - an interactive, digital children's book
    Project leader: Ines Swoboda, FH Campus Wien
    In order to teach 8 to 10 year olds the basics of food allergies in a playful and narrative way, a digital children's book will be designed in the project.

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