100 scholarships already awarded to Ukrainian students

9. June 2022 CallPress releaseHigher Education
Wissenschaftsminister Martin Polaschek und OeAD-Geschäftsführer Jakob Calice trafen die vier Stipendiatinnen Sofia Bolkhovetska, Miroslava Gabriiel, Kateryna Shvets, Natalia Cherdny (v.l.n.r.)
The minister of science Martin Polaschek and the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice met the Ukrainian scholarship holders Sofia Bolkhovetska, Miroslava Gabriiel, Kateryna Shvets and Natalia Cherdny for a talk.

100 scholarships have already been awarded to Ukrainian students

The Ministry of Science supports Ukrainian scientists and students with a special programme – the first 100 of a total of 500 scholarships have been awarded.

“With our quick and unbureaucratic measures we support Ukrainian scientists and students who already studied in Austria before the war or had to flee because of the war and are now facing problems in continuing their studies,” explained the minister of science Polaschek at a meeting with four scholarship holders on Wednesday, 8 June 2022.

The number of Ukrainian students at Austrian universities is increasing significantly. Between the summer semesters of 2021 and 2022 the number of Ukrainian students increased from 2,037 to 2,658 students. This corresponds to an increase of around 30 per cent. The Universities of Vienna and Salzburg saw the greatest increase.
“Besides the waiving of tuition fees and the recognition of academic degrees as quickly as possible the scholarship of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) is now another important and sustainable step for Ukrainian students with regard to continuing their academic education,” says the minister of science Polaschek.

“As an internationalisation agency we provide unbureaucratic support to Ukrainian students. Whether with the scholarship programme or advice on study opportunities in Austria. On our website www.oead.at we offer a lot of information also in Ukrainian about studying in Austria, recognition, university preparation programmes and the Austrian education system. This is intended to provide a quick overview,” emphasises Jakob Calice, managing director of the OeAD, Austria’s agency for education and internationalisation.

A total of 500 of “Ernst Mach scholarships UKRAINE” are available for the time being. The OeAD, Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, manages these scholarships. The amount of the scholarships is 715 euros per person and month.

Further information about support measures of the BMBWF in the field of science and research for Ukrainian students

OeAD Infopoint on Ukraine