Science Engagement Breakthrough of the year 2022 - Apply or nominate!

15. March 2022 Citizen ScienceScience communication
Schüler mit Chemieexperiment
Inspiring science engagement projects can be submitted for the Breakthrough of the Year 2022 in the category "Science Engagement" until 15 May.

The Falling Walls Foundation is looking for the Science Engagement Breakthrough of 2022. Projects and initiatives can be submitted by the project leaders themselves or nominated by outsiders.

What means "Science Engagement"?

Science Engagement involves activities, events, or interactions bridging the gap between science and society to generate mutual learning and mutual benefits. Engagement is per definition a two-way process with the goal to shape and co-create the scientific process together, to promote equal involvement in science knowledge production and to involve the public actively in science.

Participatory formats of all levels are wanted: from co-productive research over public panels towards arts-driven or entertaining approaches.

What are the criteria?

The science engagement initiatives are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Impact: Initiatives with measurable outcomes and long-term impact on their target group
  • Approach: Participatory formats of all levels: from public panels to arts-driven or entertaining approaches, or co-productive research.
  • Transferability: Exemplary initiatives from all over the world with a transferable and/or scalable approach that generates mutual learning and mutual benefits for science and their target group.
  • Overall impression: Structure and quality of application.

Furthermore, the applicant or nominee must be at least 18 years old when submitting the application. Only ongoing initiatives are eligible. A project that is in the funding or idea phase is not considered an ongoing project.

Application process

The Science Engagement Breakthrough 2022 will be selected in a three-stage application process.

Deadline for the application within the first stage: 15 May 2022


Further information