60 Years OeAD: “Experience.Education.Future”

11. December 2021 OeAD60

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A podcast about the OeAD organisation, the past, the future and everything in between.

This was the motto under which the OeAD started its anniversary year 2021. Founded in November 1961 as the association “Austrian Foreign Students Service”, the OeAD has steadily grown and expanded its agendas. Since 2009 it has been a limited liability company of the federal government and in 2021 it was renamed “OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation”.

Today the broad portfolio includes not only funding and expertise in the fields of education, science and research and the management of European mobility programmes. With the integration of Kulturkontakt Austria into the OeAD-GmbH further fields of activity have been opened up.

The 60th anniversary was celebrated extensively, although in a somewhat subdued manner due to the pandemic. In addition to milestones and pictures from the last 60 years you can find here also video greetings from many associates – including the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. The guestbook has also been well filled in the anniversary year.

In this broadcast on the occasion of the 60th anniversary we are speaking with the managing director Jakob Calice about the OeAD organisation, the extensive changes in content and structure in the last few years, the comprehensive educational agendas in Austria and abroad as well as the OeAD’s past and future role in education and internationalisation.

Designed and hosted by: Doris Obrecht (responsible for the programme content)

Guest: Jakob Calice, PhD, managing director of the OeAD, chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Education

Music: Anitek – The Absolute; Nordgroove – Horizons; KOF Shop – Signal; Robin Grey – Pat do this Pat do that; Josh Woodward – learn to fly. Available at Jamendo, a community for free, legal and unlimited music released under Creative Commons licences.