Event recording: Hard-to-reach-groups in Citizen Science and Science Communication

Gruppe von Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Alters
More than 100 participants followed the keynote and subsequent panel discussion via Zoom yesterday.

After a welcome by Jakob Calice, Managing Director of the OeAD and Stefan Duscher from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Philipp Schrögel from Heidelberg University presented his experiences in a keynote entitled "Science for all? Who does science communication often not reach - and how can it be made more accessible?".

The subsequent panel discussion was moderated by Klaus Taschwer from the daily newspaper "der Standard". The invited experts, Karoline Iber (Children's Office University of Vienna), Barbara Streicher (ScienceCenter Network), Manfred Tscheligi (AIT and University of Salzburg) and Veronika Wöhrer (University of Vienna) together with Philipp Schrögel then discussed their experiences with hard-to-reach target groups and strategies that can lead to success. A focus was placed on children and young people. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our panelists for their participation and lively discussion and are pleased that so many participants attended the online event.

For those who were unable to attend, you can download the slides from the keynote under Downloads and watch the entire event in the gallery on the right or directly on YouTubePlease be aware, the event took place in German!
