Review: Online training for teachers on the Citizen Science Award 2021

18. March 2021 Citizen SciencePublic ScienceResearcher
Am Bildschirm eines Laptops sieht man die Teilnehmenden einer Online-Konferenz
On 17 March 2021 the researchers involved in the Citizen Science Award were able to train a total of 52 teachers in the possibilities of co-research.

Within the framework of a training course for teachers organised by the OeAD in cooperation with the Vienna University of Teacher Education, the researchers involved in the Citizen Science Award had the unique opportunity this year for the first time to enter into personal exchange with teachers who are interested in their field of research and to motivate them to participate.

At the beginning of the training in cooperation with the Vienna University of Teacher Education, teachers were given input on the topic of Citizen Science in schools and on the Citizen Science Award as a concrete citizen science initiative for schools. After a brief presentation of all eight participating projects, the teachers were able to take a closer look at up to three projects in in-depth workshops and ask or discuss specific questions. The researchers were able to train the interested teachers in detail about the co-research possibilities and thus promote active co-research in the classroom.

We would like to thank the participating researchers for their contribution to the training and are pleased that so many teachers attended the workshop!

Further information on the Citizen Science Award.

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