The European Forum Alpbach supports the best students from China with a scholarship.

1. April 2019 Higher EducationOeAD
2 chinesische Studentinnen und ein chinesischer Student stehen unter einem mit blühenden Rosen umrankten Metallbogen vor einer Alm mit grünen Wiesen und bewaldeten Bergen
The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) set up the China Scholarship programme in 2017 to bring more young Chinese voices to the Forum.

Since then, the Austrian Center Shanghai has been working as EFA’s hub in China. It promotes the scholarship and manages the interviews to select scholarship holders.

In the past two years, around 50 Chinese graduate students had participated in EFA thanks to the scholarship.

This year, candidates from six universities in China (Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Tongji University) were invited.

40 students were interviewed of which 22 were selected to attend the European Forum Alpbach.

Candidates’ knowledge and skillsets were carefully assessed by Alexandra Wagner (Vice Consul of Austrian Consulate General Shanghai and ead of Austrian Center, Mr Philipp Agathonos, Minister Plenipotentiary for Science and Technology and director of OSTA, and Dr. Richard Trappl, Director of the Confucius Institute at University of Vienna.


Richard Trappl und Alexandra Wagner in einem Raum mit Teppich und Klavier in Shanghai