AAL_14_Alumni AudioLab with Vjosa Hamiti

6. July 2018 PodcastsResearcher

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(Podcast in German) Growing up in Germany and Kosovo, studying underground in Pristina, interpreting for high-ranking politicians and now dealing with the manipulative effect of political language. Vjosa Hamiti is guest at the Alumni AudioLab.

German scholar Vjosa Hamiti grew up in Germany and Switzerland. In 1990, she returned to Kosovo, at a time when political sentiment was heating up and the situation for Albanians worsening. Th ey were excluded from public buildings as well as the university, which led to the formation of underground universities where Vjosa Hamiti was also active.

She interpreted in the 1990s for the President of the unrecognized "Republic of Kosova" and worked as a journalist to give the German-speaking countries insight into the events in Kosovo.

In 2018 she was conducting research in the field of political communication at the University of Vienna as a HERAS scholarship holder. Vjosa Hamiti examines election campaign speeches of German, Kosovar and Austrian politicians.