Badge of honour of the City of Lviv for Andreas Wenninger

9. May 2018 OeADPartnershipsHigher Education
Andreas Wenninger, Leiter des OeAD-Kooperationsbüro Lemberg, erhält das Ehrenzeichen der Stadt Lemberg überreicht.
The OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv's head was awarded the Golden Coat of Arms of the City of Lviv for his many years of service.

Andreas Wenninger has headed the OeAD Cooperation Office at the National Iwan Franko University of Lviv in Ukraine for 18 years and has now been awarded the Golden Coat of Arms for his services for the development of the Austrian-Ukrainian relations in science, education and culture. The mayor of the city of Lviv, Andriy Sadoviy, presented him with this decoration during the Lviv City Festival on May 5th, 2018.

The OeAD congratulates Mr. Wenninger on this award.

The OeAD Cooperation Lviv celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.