OeAD accompanies educational and research cooperations with China

22. January 2018 Higher EducationOeAD
Stefan Zotti mit Alexandra Wagner und Gästen der Fudan-Universität aus China.
The prestigious Fudan University of Shanghai’s president, Ningsheng Xu, met the OeAD’s director general Stefan Zotti for an informal exchange on 22 January.

The OeAD maintains its own OeAD Cooperation Office in Shanghai, which is located directly at the Fudan University and serves as a service platform for bilateral scientific exchange between Austria and China. The Fudan President Ningsheng Xu is accompanied on his trip to Austria by Chen Wen, head of the International Office (first from the left), Yi Zhang, head of the Shanghai Forum (second from the left) and Alexandra Wagner (second from the right), head of the OeAD Cooperation Office in Shanghai.

Cooperation between Austria and China has a long tradition

On April 24th, 1984 the "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Scientific and Technological Cooperation" (S&T Cooperation Agreement) was signed in Beijing by the then Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research, Heinz Fischer, and his Chinese counterpart, the chairman of the Council for Science and Technology, Fang Yi.

This bilateral treaty is the basis for the research policy dialogue between Austria and China and has been the basis for the agreement on bilateral work programmes in the field of science and research for 30 years now.

The concrete cooperation measures are financed and implemented by the ministries of science of the two countries, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).

Meeting in Salzburg

The rector of China's third-best university, the Fudan University in Shanghai, Dr. Ningsheng Xu, also visited the University of Salzburg on January 23rd. At this meeting already existing cooperations were celebrated with more than 2000 alumni and future cooperations were discussed.