AAL_8_Alumni AudioLab with Fernando Ruiz Peyré

9. January 2018 PodcastsAlumni

Our podcast archive has been moved. You can find all “Welt im Ohr” episodes on Podigee.

Fernando Ruiz Peyré is a development geographer researching peripheral areas in Argentina. (podcast in German)

Fernando Ruiz Peyré started his career as a teacher in Argentina in the 1990s. Education was a big concern of him even back then. In addition, he studied at an Argentine university and then in Germany for four years. But it went further than that and in 2006 he started his dissertation at the University of Innsbruck as a North South Dialogue scholarship holder, where he stays to this day.

Fernando Ruiz Peyré conducts research in the area of tension between the city and the rural area, between center and periphery – especially with young people. How does a region develop itself and how its people? Who leaves, who comes and what are the reasons for that? What benefits, what harms do remote areas of Argentina have from natural resources? All these questions he pursues in his work and in this podcast episode.