AAL_4_Alumni AudioLab with Vanessa Suelt Cock

18. September 2017 Development ResearchAlumniPodcasts

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Vanessa Suelt Cock, law professor from Colombia, gives an insight into her work, the Colombian peace treaty of 2016 and in law and justice.

Vanessa Suelt Cock is a professor of constitutional law in Bogota/Colombia. There she works at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana conducting research on human rights abuses and on violations of environmental law in large extraction corporations. In this context it is currently not possible to sue companies but only individual persons. In the course of her research stay as an Ernst Mach follow up scholarship holder at the University of Graz in June and July 2017, Vanessa Cock looked for ways in international law to hold companies accountable. As early as 2005, she conducted research on human rights in Graz as a North-South Dialogue scholarship holder.

In this episode of Alumni AudioLab she tells her story and whether or not she was able to answer her research questions during her stay in Graz. She talks about the role of constitutional law in the Colombian peace treaty of 2016 signed between the government and the rebel group FARC, and she reveals whether law has something to do with justice.