AAL_3_Alumni AudioLab with Constantine Loum

31. July 2017 PodcastsAlumni

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Constantine Loum from Northern Uganda talks in this third issue of the Podcast about what brought him to Austria, the connections between medicine and society and about his youth in a civil war zone.

Constantine Steven Labongo Loum comes from Northern Uganda, a fought over region for many years. He completed his bachelor degree in the mid-1990s in Food Science and Technology. He went on to undertake a master’s programme in Primary Health Care in London (distance learning) and another one in Agricultural and Rural Development in Ghent. Furthermore he worked as a nutritionist in a hospital in Gulu for more than a decade where he specialised on the connections between HIV and child malnutrition.

His interest in the interaction between medicine and the cultural background of a society brought him to Vienna where he completed a PhD in cultural and social anthropology with a focus on medical anthropology. Today he works as a professor at the Gulu University, where he teaches medical anthropology. The medical anthropology programme at Gulu University was developed within an APPEAR Project, in which Constantine participated.

In the early 1990s he personally experienced the horrors of the civil war in Northern Uganda.

From April to June 2017 Constantine Loum was a scholarship holder of an Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant in Vienna.

Further information:

The creation of the Lord’s Resistance Army

Night commuters