Audience Award of the Salzburg University Weeks

11. March 2024 Science communication
Vortrag mit Publikum
As part of the Salzburg University Weeks (SHW) 2024, the SHW Board of Directors is organising the Audience Award for Science Communication for the eighteenth time.

The theme of SHW 2024 is "Fragile trust. About a precious resource". Young graduates (born in 1989 or later) from all disciplines and subject areas can submit contributions on the general theme of the University Week until 1 May 2024.

There is an Audience Award, in which the three best entries will receive a total of €1,800. A jury will select excellent texts, the authors of which will be invited to give a presentation in Salzburg. The audience is expected to select the winners there on 1 August 2024.

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