Call for Citizen Science Ambassadors is open until January 16

3. January 2024 Citizen Science
The European Citizen Science project is looking for ambassadors from Austria, Estonia, Germany, Slovakia and Sweden.

The European Citizen Science (ECS) project is building a network of 28 Citizen Science Ambassadors (EU-27 and UK) to support the project's activities, raise awareness of Citizen Science and disseminate and strengthen Citizen Science in Europe. 23 ambassadors have already been selected.

Now the project wants to extend the network to the remaining five countries. Interested parties are being sought for Austria, Estonia, Germany, Slovakia and Sweden who would like to act as local representatives of the ECS project and promote the dissemination of Citizen Science in their respective countries and at European level. Applications can be submitted until January 16, 2024, 17:00 CET. All information and the application form can be found on the ECS website.