New publication on the history of citizen science in Austria

22. November 2023 Citizen Science
Buch auf farbigem Hintergrund
The publication by the Austrian Archives for Adult Education is now available in German.

Authors from a wide range of Austrian institutions, including associations, universities, authorities and museums, have published the new book "Populäres Wissen. Von der Laienforschung des 19. Jahrhunderts zur heutigen "Citizen Science" - eine Annäherung" ("Popular knowledge. From 19th century lay research to today's citizen science - an approach").

Until the 19th century, it was mainly laypeople who created collections based on their own observations and research, conducted scientific experiments and research, compiled catalogs and typologies and organized art historical exhibitions, thus generating popular scientific knowledge. Driven by modern technology and networking in the digital age, this idea of citizen science has been experiencing a remarkable renaissance for some time now. Online platforms and mobile applications now make it possible to actively participate in various scientific projects worldwide.

The authors discuss the potential and challenges from the past to the present from various perspectives. The book (in German) can be ordered from for €18.50.