Visions for a Brighter Future Through Research Cooperation Between Africa and Austria

5. October 2023 Development ResearchResearcher

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Never before have so many representatives of African research institutions met with Austrian scientists.

More than 140 representatives from 18 countries and 70 universities and research institutions gathered as part of the 3rd Africa-UniNet General Assembly from 13-15 September 2023 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) in Austria. 
It was the second gathering of the network with a conference in Vienna open to an interested public, after it was initiated in 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF), the OeAD as Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalization, and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). 
The aim was to create and to deepen established partnerships between institutions in Austria and countries in Africa, to further strengthen Africa-UniNet and to strategically enhance its visibility and impact. The results of Africa-UniNet projects were presented and discussed in scientific sessions. Questions on the decolonization of knowledge and the interconnection between the academic world and social realities were discussed. 

Listen to some interesting voices of representatives, participants, and former scholarship holders and their Austrian partners. Together they built over many years strong ties in scientific collaborative research across disciplines and cultures on crucial global challenges in the field of development research and contributed trough partnership programmes such as the AfricaUni-Net (Austrian-African Research Network) APPEAR (Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development) and Cooperation Development Research (KoEF) financed by the BMBWF and ADA and implemented by the OeAD.

Content and presentation: Maiada Hadaia (responsible for the content) and Anna Geiger

Broadcast date: Friday, 29 September 2023, 20:00-21:00

Listen to the live broadcast: ORF Ö1 Campus