Webinar "Open data in citizen science projects"

15. June 2023 Citizen Science
Dateninfo auf einem Laptop
The webinar will take place July 3 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. and is the kickoff to an open data workshop series.

The event is organized by the working group DACH, which is composed of stakeholders from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and is the starting point for a series of open data workshops to follow starting in September.

Content of the webinar

The webinar with Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherbaum (University of Dresden) and Dr. Melanie Röthlisberger (University of Zurich) is an introduction to the topic of "open data". What is behind the term "open data"? What is the relevance of open data for citizen science? And what experiences and structures already exist in citizen science projects? The event is aimed at open data newcomers, i.e. project coordinators and interested parties from the field of "citizen science" who have had little or no experience with open data in their projects. 

The webinar will take place on July 3, 2023 from 15:00-16:30 via Zoom. Event Language: German

Further information