Some scientists are very active on social media - they post, comment, share and like. This brings attention not only to themselves, but especially to the research they are writing about. But what comes very easily to some is a big challenge for others. They don't know how to get started, on which platform to register and what they should actually write about.
In an article on, Marcel Bülow, online editor at Forschungszentrum Jülich, describes the "eight-step model for a successful start in social media". This "guide" was developed in social media training courses at Jülich in cooperation with scientists.
- Select the network
- Register in the network
- Connect / follow
- Listen and watch
- Share, retweet, like, etc. other users' content.
- Link existing content outside the network
- Create own content entries
- Post (controversial) opinions, participate in discussions
More details about the model can be found in the mentioned article.