European exchange on Citizen Science: final report and policy briefs published

30. May 2023 Citizen ScienceResearcher
EU-Fahne darunter Schatten von Menschen
The results of the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science, in which eleven EU countries participated and shared their experiences, were recently published.

The citizen science approach is becoming increasingly popular around the world. More and more often, research projects involve citizens who support the research process by formulating new research questions, collecting data, analyzing data, etc. In order to bring together experiences at the European level, the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on Citizen Science Initiatives - Policy and Practice was launched in 2022. Eleven countries, including Austria, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Romania and Sweden, met at regularly to share expertise and formulate recommendations.

The results can now be read in a final report, two policy briefs, and a summary on MLE: