Submit projects now for OIS zam: Forum for Health and Wellbeing 2023!

25. April 2023 Citizen ScienceScience communication
Bild mit bunten geschwungenen Pinselstrichen
Projects can still be submitted until May 31, 2023 for presentation at the conference in Linz in the fall.

Under the motto "Ois zam" - all together, the Forum for Health and Well-Being will be held in Linz from September 22 to 23. At the joint event of the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (LBG OIS Center) and Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austrian projects can be presented in which scientists, citizens, patients and their relatives conduct research on health and well-being together. In addition to project presentations, there will be a discussion on how cooperation between science and society can succeed for a healthier life and lead to more mutual trust.

  •     When: September 22 - 23, 2023
  •     Where: Linz, JKU Med Campus I
  •     Deadline for project submissions: May 31, 2023.


Further Information