oead.map: Projects and Alumni

6. February 2023 ScholarsAlumni
Screenshot Weltkarte mit Punkten
The oead.map is an online map showing the projects and scholarship holders funded by the OeAD.

The oead.map is an online map showing the projects and scholarship holders funded by the OeAD.
Who are the people who have been funded, what do they do after their scholarship or research stay and for which scientific disciplines have project cooperations been funded?

With the oead.map we want to show the topics and contents of our funding – to make them accessible to a wider audience but also to give future applicants an insight into projects that have already been funded. Moreover, the oead.map offers the possibility for networking and to exchange ideas with OeAD scholarship holders.

What does the oead.map show?

  • OeAD alumni: All incoming scholarship holders (excl. Erasmus+) who consent are displayed.
  • Projects: All projects with an international character and related to the higher education sector that have been funded by the OeAD and carried out since 2019 are shown.
  • Lectureships and OeAD locations: A checkbox (top right) allows to display the OeAD locations and lectureships.

What is the oead.map capable of?

  • Extensive filter criteria: The search field offers the possibility to filter by countries, cities, scientific disciplines and much more. In the details of the respective projects and individual profiles you can find further useful information and links.
  • Details: Only former OeAD scholarship holders can present their profile to a broad public on the oead.map. By means of keywords, mottos and social media links they can design their profiles as they like.
  • Sharing search results: You can use the Share button to share your search history (e.g. all alumni of a specific country). Of course you can also share individual entries.

Go to the oead.map