Citizen Science Award 2023: The new brochure is out!

7. February 2023 Citizen Science
Citizen Scientists take note: In the new brochure for the Citizen Science Award 2023, you will find projects in which you can participate and win.

The new Citizen Science Award 2023 brochure provides 16 pages of insights into the eight new Citizen Science Award projects. These come from the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences and invite school classes, individuals and, this year for the first time, families to participate from April 1 to July 31.

In addition, the brochure contains all the important information on how to participate in research, on the prizes and on training for teachers, who would like to take part in the projects with their school classes. Furthermore, the brochure gives an outlook on the Young Science Congress, which will take place on October 19, 2023 in cooperation with the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) in Klosterneuburg.

HERE you can download the brochure (in German).