Biodiversity researcher Franz Essl is Austria’s Scientist of the Year

9. January 2023 Science communicationResearcher
Im Bild der Ökologe Franz Essl
The award recognises Essl’s educational work.

The ecologist and biodiversity researcher Franz Essl is “Scientist of the Year 2022”. With this award the Club of Education and Science Journalists honours the botanist’s educational work in the field of species conservation and climate change.

The presentation of the award, which has taken place every year since 1994, is primarily intended to honour the efforts of researchers to make their work and their discipline understandable to a broad public and thus to raise the reputation of research. Essl hopes that with the award the issues of “loss of species, biodiversity and climate crisis” will get even more attention.

The OeAD warmly congratulates Franz Essl on the award!

Article on APA Science (in German)

To the OTS release of the Club of Education and Science Journalists (in German)