Entwicklungstagung 2022: Multiple crises exacerbate global inequalities

6. December 2022 Development Research
Podiumsdiskussion bei Entwicklungstagung
With a delay of more than two years due to the pandemic, the 8th Austrian "Entwicklungstagung" took place between 11 and 13 November at the University of Linz.

The conference, organized by the Paulo Freire Center with the support of the OeAD's Science and Research for Development Cooperation department, was all about multiple crises. The Covid19 pandemic, the consequences of the climate crisis, and Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine are exacerbating global inequalities and jeopardizing the development policy successes achieved in recent years. Andreas Obrecht moderated plenary discussions, designed the basic forum "What is global inequality?" with Karin Fischer and in the APPEAR in Practice Session the book "Sustainable Energy Access for Sustainable Communities" resulting from an APPEAR project was presented by project manager Aminata Fall.

Short video of the conference (DORFTV) (in German)