Workshop: Do we need a new science communication?

18. November 2022 Citizen ScienceScience communication
Wassertropfen und gelbe Lichtpunkte
On November 25, 2022, representatives from research and practice will discuss challenges of adequate science communication at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The workshop is organized by the ÖAW Commission for the History and Philosophy of Science in cooperation with the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research of the ÖAW and the University of Klagenfurt. In addition to the challenges for science communication, strategies will be discussed to raise interest and understanding for science among the general public and to foster trust.

The lectures will reflect on the role of science journalism, the importance of populism, conspiracy theories and misinformation, and citizen science as a way to strengthen trust in science. The presentations by renowned experts from Germany and abroad will be followed by a panel discussion with the audience.


When? November 25, 2022, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Where? Austrian Academy of Sciences, Theater Hall
              Sonnenfelsgasse 19
              1010 Vienna


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