Welcome meet and greet at the OeAD building

2. November 2022 Scholars
On 21 October, after a long break due to the pandemic, a welcome event took place again at the OeAD building.

More than 80 scholarship holders from 25 countries met at the OeAD building on the evening of 21 October.

Ulrich Hörmann, authorised signatory of the OeAD, warmly welcomed those present. After brief general information for scholarship holders Weena Gera from the Philippines gave tips for the new students.

Weena Geera is a scholarship holder within the Ernst Mach ASEA-UNINET programme. She currently pursues postdoctoral studies at Vienna University of Technology. From experience she emphasised the importance of a good work-life balance and openness to all other cultures and societies.

Afterwards introductory activities took place and people had the opportunity to get to know each other better over a good meal.

The OeAD is pleased about the positive feedback. Excerpts of this can be found below:

Thank you for the warm welcome! It was a friendly atmosphere during the meeting from the OeAD team, I met new acquaintances, and I appreciated the openness of participants.

I appreciate very much that you provided us with such an opportunity to get to know each other in a non-formal atmosphere.
