OeAD scholarship holder receives Pater Johannes Schasching Prize

17. November 2022 Scholars
Daichi Okawa wins "Prize for Promoting Dialogue between Business, Ethics and Religion" for his particularly successful term paper

On 10 November, Mr. Daichi Okawa received the Pater Johannes Schasching SJ Award in the category of term papers at an award ceremony at the Catholic Private University Linz. Mr. Okawa is currently researching "Conflict and Identity in the New Testament" at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Vienna on a Monbukagakusho scholarship. To this end, he studies New Testament texts with the help of sociological categories and tries to find out how identity formation in early Christianity took place through social conflicts. As part of his research, he has written a term paper entitled "Itinerant Radical Paul and His Free Gospel Proclamation", for which he has now won this prize. He was able to briefly present his work at the award ceremony. Mr. Okawa is very pleased:

"I am very proud to have received this prize as a non-Austrian, Protestant student and OeAD scholarship holder. First of all, I would like to thank all those involved in the award. Above all, I would like to thank the OeAD from the bottom of my heart for their support through the scholarship and my supervisor, Prof. Markus Öhler, for his passionate and very kind supervision. Furthermore, I would like to thank my partner, Kiki, for her daily patience and support!"

The OeAD extends their congratulations and wishes Mr. Okawa continued success!

Pater Johannes Schasching SJ Award: 
The "Prize for Promoting Dialogue between Business, Ethics and Religion", named after the social ethicist Father Johannes Schasching SJ, is awarded every two years by the Federation of Austrian Industries in cooperation with the Catholic Private University Linz and the Forum of Christian Leaders. The prize, which is being awarded for the 14th time this year, is endowed with a total of 7,500 EUR and honours dissertations and post-doctoral theses, bachelor's and master's theses, diploma theses, project works, journal articles, essays as well as term papers in four categories. 


