Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

8. August 2022 Citizen ScienceScience communication
Bunte Stifte
Submit papers now for the PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) global network conference. The call for proposals is open until September 17, 2022.

The PCTS network conference will be held in Rotterdam, April 11-14, 2023. Under the theme "Creating Common Ground," researchers, students, and practitioners in the field of science communication will gather. The theme of the conference is to create common ground between different actors, e.g. scientists and citizens or researchers and practitioners, but not always obvious. The theme also invites consideration of where there is no common ground and thus also aims to stimulate discussion of challenges.

Relevant to the conference theme are five sub-themes in particular, which can be grouped under the acronym "VOICE": Values, Openness, Inclusiveness, Collaboration, Expertise

Further Information

Webinar on writing a proposal

In advance of the submission deadline, a webinar will be held on August 17, 2022 at 1:00 pm to assist in writing a proposal for the conference. During this session, members of the PCST network will provide input on the following questions: What makes a good conference proposal? What do reviewers look for? There will also be tips on interactive formats and how to address the conference theme of "creating common ground".

Registration for the webinar