Research Council ERC awards eleven "Advanced Grants" to Austria

26. April 2022 Higher EducationResearcher
The European Research Council (ERC) awarded 253 "Advanced Grants" in the current application round. Eleven of these prestigious and highly endowed awards go to researchers working in Austria.

Four grants go to researchers at the University of Vienna, three grants to researchers at the University of Innsbruck, two grants to researchers at the Vienna University of Technology and one grant each to the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the Medical University Vienna.

The grants, each worth up to 2.5 million euros, enable researchers to carry out demanding and high-risk projects. The "Advanced Grants" represent the "flagship program" of the ERC, with which basic research is funded in the EU research framework program "Horizon Europe". In total, 253 scientists were funded with 624.6 million euros in the current round.

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Source: APA Science