Ukraine and Moldova: Training in crisis intervention and psychosocial support

21. March 2022 OeADPartnerships
Videokonferenz mit Teilnehmern
The OeAD Cooperation Offices support our long-standing partners in Ukraine and Moldova with training in crisis intervention and refugee support.

Training in crisis intervention for teachers and staff of academies for professional development of teachers in Ukraine

The OeAD Cooperation Office Odessa organised an online event on crisis intervention for our long-standing Ukrainian partners. The high number of participants (178 persons) shows the enormous need for events of this kind. The target group of the event consisted mainly of teachers of all school levels, staff of academies for professional development of teachers and volunteers from various regions of Ukraine: Odessa, Kyiv, L’viv, Vinnyza and Bila Zerkva. We would like to thank Barbara Preitler, co-founder of the association “Hemayat” – a care centre for torture and war survivors in Vienna for leading the online training and we wish all participants all the best in this difficult time.

Psychosocial support for refugees in the Republic of Moldova

The war in Ukraine also poses a great challenge to the Republic of Moldova as an immediate neighbouring country. The small country has already taken in more than 100,000 refugees since the invasion of Ukraine began. Moldovans have responded with impressive solidarity but they too need support to cope with this difficult situation. The OeAD has therefore offered a series of online trainings in crisis intervention since 10 March for volunteers as well as psychologists who are involved in refugee aid. More than 80 people took part in the first event. Further trainings on dealing with children and young people who have experienced war and flight will be offered during March and April.