Innovative schools in Austria: Schule am See in Hard

18. March 2022 OeADSchool
Ulla Riedmann (Schulleitung Volksschule) und Christian Grabher (Schulleitung Mittelschule) Von der Schule am See in Hard mit OeAD-Geschäftsführer Jakob Calice
The OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice visited the Schule am See in Hard. The school was awarded the state prize for innovative schools.

The Schule am See in Hard (Vorarlberg) is one of Austria’s most innovative schools. It was awarded the state prize for innovative schools by the Foundation for Innovation in Education and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). The overall strategy with individualised forms of learning across school years, the interfaces with society beyond the regular school system and support “for every talent and gift” by teams of teachers distinguish the school. As national education agency the OeAD supports this innovative look beyond the rim of their teacup with different funding schemes. Ulla Riedmann (primary school headmistress) and Christian Grabher (secondary school headmaster) presented their overall concept in Hard to the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice.