On the occasion of the launch of the “Your EU Year of Youth” initiative a lively exchange of experiences took place yesterday between the state secretary Claudia Plakolm , the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice, the head of sector Gerhard Moßhammer and Erasmus+/ESC ambassadors and promoters. The OeAD plans numerous activities on the occasion of the European Year of Youth. 100 to 1000 euros are available for young people as well as associations and organisations working with young people! In total, 100,000 euros are available! More information: www.erasmusplus.at/jahrderjugend
To the press release: https://bit.ly/3JkmoyF
We would like to thank Katja Lenic Salamun (Interaktion association), Daniela Fellinger, Martin Rieger (Grenzenlos Wien) and Veronika Drexel (AHA) for their impressions and suggestions about the added value of international youth work, the importance of inclusion and the impact of Erasmus+ and ESC. It is great to hear how young people benefit from these encounters!