Call for the Conference of the European Citizen Science Association extended

11. March 2022 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Schriftzug Berlin auf buntem Hintergrund
This year, the ECSA conference will take place from 5 to 8 October in Berlin under the motto "Citizen Science for Planetary Health". The "Call" runs until 31 May 2022.

This year, all participants are invited to reflect and discuss the theme "Citizen Science for Planetary Health". The ECSA 2022 conference is aimed at researchers from all disciplines, practitioners, activists, funding agencies, policy makers, NGOs, artists and other interested citizens.

The theme "Citizen Science for Planetary Health"

Planetary Health addresses the links between human health and political, economic, social and natural systems. To sustain and promote the well-being of all life on Earth, we need the commitment and efforts of everyone - policymakers, the public, business, academia and research. Citizen Science offers effective and innovative ways to conduct transdisciplinary research and influence decision-making in different areas and in different ways.

The call 

Submissions from members of the Citizen Science and Planetary Health community are welcome. These can be related to the main theme or other citizen science topics. Submissions can be made by citizen scientists, science communicators, researchers and other interested parties. Possible formats are

  • short presentations (10 min presentation und 5 min Q&A)
  • interactive sessions (90 min)
  • poster
  • market stands

The new deadline is on 31st May 2022.

Further information