Improve the world with CitizensHack2022 - Apply now!

17. January 2022 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Zahnräder, Glühbirne
Citizens can apply with their project proposals until 23 January 2022. During the hackathon they will work together with researchers on concrete solutions.

CitizensHack2022 offers EU citizens the opportunity to work with researchers on real-world problems and contribute to a sustainable future.

Who can participate?

This hackathon welcomes all EU citizens with different skill sets to join, no coding skills required!

Hackathon teams need to include 2-4 citizens and 2 researchers from EU countries. Citizens will be matched with the researchers before the hackathon.

Team selection and criteria

Interested EU citizens can apply to the hackathon by submitting any project suggestion related to improving the life of local communities.

Projects and teams will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Impact on your local community: How relevant and significant is the problem to the local community?
  2. Team's motivation & capabilities: Whether the team has the skill and composition needed to take the solution to the next level: are some of the team members already working within the topic?

Deadline for applications: 23 January 2022


Three winning teams will receive project support from Ultrahack, Eurocities, OI-Net and Aalto Startup in the EU network and academia and pitch their project in a virtual after-hack to gain access to present the solution at the EU level to get visibility among potential partners and investors!

Further information