Call for papers on Panel on "Participatory Research at and with Universities of Applied Sciences"

25. January 2022 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Stadt mit Bergen im Hintergrund
The submission deadline for contributions to the Research Forum of Universities of Applied Sciences 2022 is extended until 7 February 2022.

The panel call

The panel call "Participatory Research at and with Universities of Applied Sciences - Effectiveness and Challenges" is still seeking contributions until 7 February 2022. The aim is to discuss participatory research approaches with a special focus on Citizen Science at/with Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences in terms of scientificity, added value, impact and methods.

What are the topics?

Topics range from experiences with participatory research designs, principles and ways of working in collaboration with practice partners, co-researchers etc., success factors for reaching, activating and engaging hard-to-reach target groups, use of participatory methods and tools in different collaborative research realities - possibilities and limitations etc.

When will the conference take place?

The 15th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences will take place at the FH Kärnten in Villach from 20 to 21 April 2022.


Further information