The film Living Water will be shown followed by a discussion with an expert, the director and the audience.
Wadi Rum, the "Valley of the Moon" in Jordan, is a desert landscape that is known as a location for Hollywood films and adventurous tourist attractions. Few people know that in the inhospitable environment there are water sources under the sand, but a complex water system makes it very expensive to use and the “blue gold” is needed by many. This film takes a calm but deep look at an essential and global problem: the economization of the precious resource water. The economic, political and cultural conflicts over the last abundant source of drinking water in the region become visible. Pollution and scarcity are further consequences of exploitation, as is man-made global warming. Can this cycle be broken?
Film: LIVING WATER (Pavel Borecký |Czech Republic, Switzerland, Jordan 2020 | 77 Min. | OmeU)
When? 12.12.2021
6 pm stream Video-on-Demand Plattform
7.30 pm online discussion via ZOOM (REGISTRATION Festivalhub)
- register for free at the festival website Festivalhub
- Log-in, choose film living water, click on the price next to film title, pay
- for the online discussion register with ZOOM link (on the Festivalhub website, below the film description)
Paul Omondi Omonge, Water Resource Allocation and Planning, (TU Kenya), Phd Candidate Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, BOKU, Vienna, APPEAR Scholarship Holder CapNex | Capacity building on the water-energy-food security Nexus through research and training in Kenya and Uganda
Pavel Borecký, cultural and social anthropologist, film maker
Presented by
Maiada Hadaia, Coordinator Welt im Ohr Ö1 Campusradio, OeAD
Online Programm