Strengthening the quality of school quality development – Focus: Leadership and change management

5. November 2021 Bildungskooperation
Abschlusskonferenz Qualität schulische Qualitätsentwicklung stärken
In the final conferences on 26 October 2021 in Sarajevo and on 28 October 2021 in Belgrade headmasters and headmistresses of schools of vocational education and training, representatives of the responsible ministries of education and educational agencies exchanged ideas on how to successfully deal with change processes in the context of school quality development.

Within the framework of this regional project a team of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Austria and Serbia surveyed the training needs of headmasters and headmistresses of schools of vocational education and training in the successful management of school development processes. On this basis an in-service training series was developed and approximately 250 headmasters and headmistresses were trained. The OeAD’s cooperation partner on the Austrian part was the University College of Teacher Education Styria, to whom we would like to express our sincere thanks.

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