AAL_37 Alumni AudioLab with Oliver Hauser

4. November 2021 PodcastsResearcher

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Innsbruck - Harvard - Exeter - from physics to biology to "BIG Ideas"

If one tries to describe Oliver Hauser's research area in two words, it would probably be inequality and cooperation. But it's not that easy. Oliver Hauser is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Exeter Business School, has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Innsbruck and a PhD in Biology from Harvard University, where he taught and conducted research. Today he also heads the initiative with the great acronym “BIG Ideas - Behavioral Insights: Gender, Inlusivity, Diversity, Equality and Access” initiative, which is funded through a UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship.

Oliver Hauser conducts research, teaches and publishes beyond the boundaries of his discipline(s). From the point of view of economics, psychology and management, evolutionary biology or environmental sciences, he describes the large and small structures in society and in companies. Game theory is one of his favourite tools. Since the corona pandemic hit the world, he has also dealt with the intensification of inequalities and the possibilities of restructuring society.
In 2009 he received an Erasmus scholarship and studied in Romania and from 2007 to 2010 he was scholarship holder of the Mondi Austria Foundation, which was managed by the OeAD.

Here you can find an article about the Mondi Austrian Student scholarship.