The new Citizen Science Newsletter is out!

29. October 2021 Citizen SciencePublic Science
Notizbuch und Kaffeetasse
On 29 October the latest news about Citizen Science, Science Communication and Responsible Science went out.

Every month the OeAD Center for Citizen Science informs in a newsletter about events, calls for proposals, publications and much more around the topics "Citizen Science" and "Responsible Science".

The current issue contains among others the following news:

  • New Master in Citizen Science at University College London.
  • New publication on the state of knowledge of researchers on Citizen Scientists
  • Calls for proposals for Sparkling Science 2.0 and the Citizen Science Award 2022
  • Calls for several conferences in the coming year

Would you like to subscribe to the newsletter?

You can find the current newsletter and registration HERE.