Call for applications: Empowerment scholarships for sustainable education

25. May 2021 Scholarship
Symbolbild Empowerment Scholarships
OeAD student housing's GBS and AEMS Summer Universities are offering ten scholarships for free participation each.

OeAD student housing is offering 10 scholarships to attend the two interdisciplinary summer universities Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) and Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS), which are being held online for the second time in 2021.

Outstanding and highly qualified applicants from countries such as Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malawi, Namibia, Nicaragua, Senegal, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, and many more have the chance to participate in the digital version of the interactive 3-week-programs for free. The complete list of countries and all requirements can be found here.

The Empowerment Scholarships are offered in close collaboration with the partners and funders of the two rewarded summer programs – organized jointly with BOKU and TU Vienna as well as many other national and international partners.

While the OeAD student housing aims to open up its interactive, non-profit educational offers for students who would not afford to participate – being part of the high-level programs is possible from remote without additional costs for travel.
This also supports the implementation of the UN SDGs 4, 7, 11, 13, 17 including fairness, empowerment, and justice.

Applications are open until June 1, 2021; please enter "empowerment scholarship" at “Scholarship Reference” in the application form.

More information:

Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)
19. Juli bis 6. August 2021 | 5 ECTS | ONLINE

Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS)
17. Juli bis 8. August 2021 | 7 ECTS | ONLINE