Virtual information day at the UAS Burgenland

4. March 2021 Higher EducationStudies
Studierende vor dem Haupteingang
On March 13, 2021, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. you can find out more about the study programmes offered at the UAS Burgenland.

The annual study information day will take place this time virtually. However, personal advice is not neglected. Experts from the degree programs and students will be available to answer questions, campus tours take place virtually.

Registration for the next academic year is already possible at the FH Burgenland. The 11 bachelor's degree programs' registration deadline is March 31, for the 13 master's degree programs on May 31 and for the two PhD programs on August 31.

The courses offered at the UAS in Burgenland range from digitization to new forms of business and leadership, from environmental, climate and energy issues to the major challenges in health and social issues. With its locations in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld, the UAS Burgenland not only stands for practice-oriented higher education. A great deal of commitment also goes into research and innovation. Cities like Vienna can be reached in 30 minutes (from Eisenstadt) or an hour (from Pinkafeld), the cultural and sporting offer is large, the surroundings are fantastic. A special place to study!

What makes studying so attractive? It's the special mix. Unique course contents are cleverly combined with one another and, in addition to a lot of practical relevance, the focus is always on the individual. The UAS Burgenland does not charge tuition fees. A major part of the study program can be completed part-time and online.