New LL.M. –Studium Digital Business & Tech Law at MCI, starting in fall 2021

3. March 2021 Higher EducationStudies
The Management Center Innsbruck in the building on Universitätsstraße.
Legal Dimensions of Digitization & Technology | Interactive online format | Start in autumn 2021 | Degree Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Digital technologies offer innovative companies great opportunities to bring their business ideas to the market. Be it the integration into an online trading platform or the implementation of crypto currency (e.g. Bitcoin) as an accepted means of payment - these innovations not only pose practical, but above all legal questions. For legal advisory professions such as law firms or management consultancies, but also for economic actors, authorities or interest groups, there is a specific need for competence in the law of digitization.

This is exactly where the new Executive LL.M. course comes in and provides a decisive market and competitive advantage within just two semesters. The part-time course deals with current and future challenges of digitization and technology in companies and organizations from a legal perspective. Decision-makers and consultants in law-related professions will experience a business-related and practical "upgrade" .

The advantage of the Digital Business & Tech Law Master's program at the Entrepreneurial University® lies in the interactive and compact orientation as an online course, which enables the participants to combine their studies with their profession. The German language and a Central European focus were deliberately chosen in order to guarantee managers and junior executives an in-depth and at the same time targeted training on the European market.

The new Master of Laws is offered at the MCI, which positions itself as an Entrepreneurial University® and is the holder of the international AACSB accreditation. The first start is in November 2021.

Online applications are already possible now.

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