Training "Let’s innovate together – solving societal challenges"

23. February 2021 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Zeichnung von zwei Personen und einem großen Smartphone im Hintergrund
On March 18, 2021, interested parties can learn more about the topic "Future of Cities & Regions" and on March 24, 2021, the focus will be on "Sustainable Mobility".

Based on the results of the EU project RiConfigure (, which deals with innovation collaborations, a training for people who want to involve new actors in innovation processes or who want to participate in innovation processes in the future has been designed.

The aim of the training is (1) to get to know new methods and perspectives on participatory innovation (2) to build and strengthen networks and (3) to reflect on the latest results from the research project RiConfigure and to apply them to one's own practice. For this purpose, two dates will be offered, covering different topics: "The Future of Cities and Regions" and "Sustainable Mobility".

  • Workshop: Future of Cities & Regions (LBG)
    In this workshop the challenges of cooperation based on the topic of the future of cities & regions will be adressed and ideas collected for socially relevant and sustainable projects in the field of urban and regional development with people from business, science, the public sector and civil society.
    Date: Thursday 18.03.2021: 13:00-17:00

  • Workshop: Sustainable Mobility (IHS)
    In this workshop, the central theme is sustainable mobility. People from industry, academia, public sector and civil society interested in developing socially and environmentally sustainable mobility solutions are invited to participate.
    Date: Wednesday 24.03.2021: 15:00-19:00.

Register by March 12, 2021 with Laura Soyer (