APPEAR II mid-term evaluation 2019

19. November 2019 OeAD
Red and black lettering on white background
The mid-term evaluation of the current APPEAR programme was finalised in September 2019. The objective of this mid-term evaluation was to formulate recommendations, lessons learned and options for a possible next programme phase.

One of the strengths of the APPEAR programme is that it is highly relevant at both the international and Austrian level since it is aligned with international and Austrian frameworks/strategies in the area of higher education cooperation in development. Moreover, its added values and basic principles support a successful implementation at project and programme level. Additionally, they are in accordance with good practices of other donors’ programmes in higher education and research. In this regard, the programme is also a pioneer in tertiary education sector cooperation as alignment with the respective ADC country strategies, and the consideration of rights and needs of persons with disabilities have been included as added values.

Download the final Report (PDF)