OeAD cross-links Austrian research and students from Chinese top universities

22. August 2019 OeADScholarshipHigher Education
Zahlreiche Frauen und Männer stehen auf einer Terrasse in Alpbach und schauen in Richtung des Fotografen
On August 21st, 2019 the OeAD's Managing Director Jakob Calice invited Chinese scholarship holders of the European Forum Alpbach to a round table discussion with the Austrian business community.

The OeAD supports Austrian companies in their search for highly qualified specialists. During a discussion round at the European Forum Alpbach the focus was on the OeAD's offers for studies and internships in Austria and the needs of the Austrian economy and research. The 22 students from Chinese universities had the opportunity to talk to representatives of Austria's economy and research at this event.

The OeAD's Managing Director Jakob Calice, Alexandra Wagner (OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai), Philipp Agathonos (Head of the OSTA Beijing), Wolfgang Pell (Verbund, Head of Innovation), Marie-Theres Raberger (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Recruiting), Klaus Denkmayr (AVL List, General Manager Steyr Tech Center) and Wolfgang Renner (Wiener Zeitung Academy) discussed with the Chinese scholarship holders of the European Forum Alpbach.

More photos of the event